A sunny day with clear blue skies and green rolling hills

The AI Assistant for ADHD

Your personal support AI helping you regulate and motivate


Copilot avatar
I came across your app and am genuinely impressed. It's not only an app for me, it is hope!
-- Soheil
Interrupt & Redirect
From unwanted habits to the things you really care about
Regulate & Motivate
Compassionate and encouraging conversational AI
The AI Copilot for ADHD
'Bad Habit' Interrupter
Like an app blocker, but more intelligent, it interrupts unhealthy digital habits and signposts activities you actually value
Kind and compassionate coaching and therapy-based wisdom for zero judgement and zero shame
Gets you moving on the things you really want to do; your life goals, todos, and hobbies
What are you ready to achieve?Get free trial
A sunny day with clear blue skies and green rolling hills


increase in adult diagnoses post-pandemic
of adults struggle with their internet use
have bad reactions to medication
struggle with depression
This app is 100% designed to support dopamine dysregulation and executive dysfunction
We have ADHD too. That's why we built this.
Say hello to flying high and feeling awesome
Join the ADHD coping club
I was chatting to a friend about how great it would be if some mastermind developed an AI to help people like us with ADHD… then I stumbled across you! Bloody amazing 😍
-- Elvis

The Science

ADHD is really hard to manage alone
Struggling with addictive online habits is not our fault
We Forget
Working Memory Deficits

Have you ever walked into a room and thought, ‘Hold on. Why did I come in here?’ Those of us with ADHD tend to have this a lot.

That’s also why you forgot about that mental health app you download 3 weeks ago.

With the best will in the world, once you forget you forget. You can’t just make yourself not forget!

That’s why myCopilot.ai comes to you. So you don’t have to remember, and we can keep helping you even when those 3 weeks are up.

We Struggle To ‘Do’
Executive Dysfunction

We often know what to do, that we need to do it, when we need to do it, why we need to do it, and what will happen if we don’t.

Yet we just don’t do it. Which is infuriating!

This is ‘executive dysfunction’. A deep and powerful part of our brains simply doesn’t care about these abstract tasks.

It’s trying to survive at a much more basic level; managing the overwhelming amount of mental noise we often experience.

That’s why we rely on others for motivation. With a little encouragement and help breaking down the tasks, we’re good to go.

We Are Prone To Addiction
Dopamine Dysregulation

Our brain’s love dopamine. It’s a neurotransmitter that tells us we’re getting a win in life, big or small.

But when we’re in ‘dopamine dysregulation’, our brains will do almost anything - anything! - to bring our dopamine levels back to normal.

Many apps and sites today make money off our attention. They feed us a constant stream of small wins - dopamine - which our brains simply cannot resist... and 4 hours later you’re still doom-scrolling.

That’s the moment you most need help. And it’s exactly when myCopilot.ai will pro-actively start a conversation with you to do just that.

We Do Need External Support

The challenge of ADHD is that our struggles are self-defeating. It’s profoundly annoying, but the reality is that all these struggles cannot be solved by the brain that is having the struggle. We need to become skillful at getting help from the outside.

The very best help is a good friend who is around 24/7, has your best interests at heart, and willingly leans in to help you make good life choices. That’s a big ask though.

myCopilot.ai is the next best thing - savvy ADHD-considerate psychology combined with a focus on the things that really matter to you.

Plus, we're around even at 2am on a week night!

Sound good to you?I'm ready to unhook
A sunny day with clear blue skies and green rolling hills

Imagine This...

One sunny Sunday afternoon...
Man slumped on sofa looking up from his phone through a window at a sunny day outside
You're scrolling your phone... again
Buddy leaning through doorframe smiling with a thumbs up
Your buddy pops their head round the door, and says:
Man in doorway looking at a beautiful sunny day
Hey! It's sunny out.
Why don't you go for a cycle ride?
You always say how alive that makes you feel.
That's an awesome friend, right!?
is your 24/7 app version
Find out more

Your Data & Our Ai

We get it. Trusting an AI with your data is a big step. So, here's the clear sky on what you need to know:
We're aligned with GDPR. Your rights? We've got them covered.
Feel the need for a fresh start? You say when, and we'll delete all your data.
Yes, we use your data, but only to fine-tune the experience for you and fellow users. It's teamwork.
We primarily use the OpenAI API, which is as robust and trustworthy as any chatbot AI. And if we ever decide to navigate towards other commercial APIs, we'll make sure they're up to the best possible standards.
When we say "self-hosted AI", we mean it's just us. No sharing with outsiders.
With our API providers, we opt out of data storing. Your data isn't being used to train their big AIs, and it's forgotten, like footprints in the sand.
The world of AI moves fast, and we're on it. We'll keep checking in to make sure we're on the right track.
Think of us as the friendly neighborhood AI – understanding, yet always ready to challenge and elevate.
You're in control. Here's to a journey of empowerment and discovery 💪🤓
A pilot walking to their aeroplane

The App

Available on Android
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